Monday, November 14, 2011

Nielsen on Usability

Nielsen has many different aspects to which he distinguishes a website as "usable". A website needs to be both design friendly AND easily usable in order to be successful. Unfortunately the balance of both is difficult and there are many websites that contain one or the other and difficult to use.
One website that I find extremely hard to navigate through is my class website for Typography. There is very little telling you where to go, what to click, etc. The design process is there and it is meant to be interesting but for a class site that should really focus on informing the student its confusing. To get into the actual website you have to know where to click in the design without any instruction. It’s accessibility is failed.

Once you find a way into the site it is easier to navigate through with clear headings, titles, labels, etc. Text appearance is good and images are nicely displayed. The main flaw to these pages is the lack of a back button. To get back to the “home page” is a hidden secret that I Just discovered when writing this blog. There is a tiny circle that highlights yellow and if you decide to click that you will be brought back to the mysterious light bulb “home page.”

The website looks creative and appealing but not as a site that I use to get my class assignments. If this were a website that was not as essential to my success in the class then I may not be so concerned. It is also a nuisance that every time you want to open something it opens an individual tab. By the end of finding my assignment I have 3 to 4 pages open, it is annoying and not useful. Overall, its intent to being a modern class website is there, but it is not as useful as intended.

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