Saturday, September 4, 2010

Smores Sunday

     Summertime, the warmth of a fire, and hot freshly made smores. Nothing smells better then the scent of burning wood and marshmallows. Every time the scent crosses my way I cant help but think about the many hours of my childhood that were spent creating delicious smores and spending time with family.
    It wasn’t just roasting marshmallows that I think about rather the great times spent with family and friends. Smores night was a big deal for my family. My uncle would bring the chocolate and marshmallows, my mom would get the graham crackers, and the kids were in charge of finding the perfect sticks.
    When the kids would get ready to find sticks we had contests to see who could find the best sticks in the shortest amount of time. While we were running around the backyard of my grandparents’ house looking for sticks the adults got everything ready.
    When we were done collecting sticks we were greeted to a vast variety of chocolates and graham crackers. There was white chocolate, milk chocolate, and (my favorite) dark chocolate and any type of graham cracker you can imagine.
 After everyone roasted a few marshmallows and ate a few smores it was time for charades. The teams were male vs. female and the losers of the game were forced to clean up. All the games were very competitive but usually resulted in a female victory.
    The combination of family, fun, and food is something I will never forget. We stopped the smores tradition when I turned 12 but still to this day the smell of smores brings me back. When I have children I will definitely want to reinstate “Smores Sundays.”

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