Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Digital Narrative Blogs

The most important factor of a website is the idea. Without a good, solid, functioning idea... there is nothing to work from. No where to go. New technological advances have changed websites over the years but the bottom line remains; the concept needs to work. With all of this in mind and as the ease of sharing digitally continues there is an open range for new narrative concepts. There once was a time when people went to website to simply view, learn, and be impacted. However, now people want to participate, viewers want their voices heard and want to interact with the narrative. It is the age of technology and viewers want access to this new idea. Even if I think about the last handful of websites I’ve visited, they have all given me the option to interact. It is almost impossible to find a website that doesn’t at least offer the viewer the option to comment or write a statement to someone.
A perfect example of this new age of digital and distributed narratives is “PostSecret.” An idea so simple but allows each and every person the opportunity to interact and get involved. “PostSecret” is pretty straight forward... it’s a website for posting secrets. Fits the name perfectly. The concept itself is in fact much deeper and the authors’ goal is to help many people. An online (and free) therapist, if you will. Participants post deep, dark secrets to the website that others can relate with, it’s a sort of comforting mechanism that lets people know that they are not alone. There is some fancy pants art involved and the “secrets” are displayed creatively on a postcard shaped object.
The author of the “PostSecret” provides the frame and the viewers create the actual website. Without the author there would be no narrative; without the participants there would be no narrative. The two work together to make the narrative what it is. This website has been so effective and helped so many people that there have been books published and even the creation of “PostSecret Live.” The story being told is one of hope. Although participants post about embarrassing, horrible, dangerous, and upsetting secrets it is inspiring to know that they came to terms with it and had the strength to post it. Acknowledging the secret is the hardest part but it is encouraging to know that other people may be going through the same thing that you are. Which is why the narrative works. People visit the site because they want to feel comfort and fee normal. People post on the site because they want the heavy burden of having this secret to be released. The author provides the option for all this to happen with the framework. Giving the ability for participants to express themselves in a judge-free and safe environment.
Personally, I think this narrative does an excellent job. The concept is simple but I am still drawn into the secrets and want to experience the site. Aesthetically this site works for me. There is not much complexity and much of the framework is left for the participants to fill. The black background does not compete with the secrets and keeps the focus on what’s important—the posts. Emotionally I find this site overwhelming. We all have our secrets and I respect those who have the courage to face them; I am not that brave. I can only imagine how great it feels to post a secret... to finally lift a rock that’s been holding you down. It must be a great accomplishment too knowing that you have the possibility of helping others as well. There are also some secrets that are less deep and humorous. The combination of impact and humor work well because you never know what to expect. Intellectually this concept is great. I am always in awe of those authors who come up with small idea and turn it into something amazing. Most of the credit, however, goes to the participants who make the website visually stimulating and emotionally impacting. That is what keeps viewers coming back and posting. Each participant has their own story to tell and their own way to write it, which is interesting. Those differences is what makes reading the secrets so great.

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